Author(s): Oli Ahmed and Muhammad A Hossain
The present study was designed to validate the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) in Bangladeshi culture in response to the scarcity of instrument for measuring Facebook addiction of Bangladeshi people. The BFAS was translated and back translated by following standard procedures. The translated version of the measure was administered, after pre-test, on a sample of 237 respondents who selected through non-probability sampling techniques. The psychometric properties were assessed by item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson product moment correlation coefficients. Findings revealed that the Bangla BFAS had sufficient item-total correlation, internal consistency reliabilities (Chronbach’s Alpha, Split-half reliabilities), and testretest reliability. These findings suggested that the Bangla BFAS had sufficient level of reliability and validity and this measure could be applicable in Bangladeshi culture for screening out Facebook addiction.